Россия и ВТО: присоединение и его последствия / Текущая аналитика / Name: Alexis Cóndor Academic Paper: New paradigm of logistics space reorganization: E-commerce, land use, and supply chain management (Zuopeng Xiao, Quan Yuan, Yonghai Sun, Xixiong Sun)

Name: Alexis Cóndor Academic Paper: New paradigm of logistics space reorganization: E-commerce, land use, and supply chain management (Zuopeng Xiao, Quan Yuan, Yonghai Sun, Xixiong Sun)

Changes in the global economy require companies to evolve to adapt to these changes, taking advantage of factors such as technology and innovation in order to continue with their business development, so new paradigms are emerging that help to adapt to new changes.

The expansion of value chains and the emergence of e-commerce have contributed to the proliferation of businesses, especially in metropolitan areas; however, in recent decades, logistics facilities have shifted spatially to urban areas with lower population density and more favorable economic and institutional resources.

The growth of e-commerce demand has become increasingly inclusive, which has led to a shift in supply chain flow and accelerated the evolution from traditional logistics facilities to new ones such as e-tailing. The evolution in metropolitan areas in North America, Europe and Japan are developed in terms of growth and subject to fewer restrictions on the boundaries of urban development, however in rapidly urbanizing cities in developing countries is different.

The difference is due to the structural market mismatch between supply and demand in logistics space due to the demands of e-commerce logistics services leading to the reorganization of logistics space, which results in the construction of high-capacity, e- commerce oriented logistics facilities that serve as an intermediate, relatively low inventory holding, also with a responsive replenishment system that satisfies customer demand at a fast pace.

The authors of the article establish a model in three groups for the correct choice of location, the first group includes economic factors such as technological advances, new business models, changing demands and economic growth causing the reorganization of the supply chain, the second group is to verify the policies and regulations concerning taxes, industrial connections, negative externalities, the growth of the company to choose the locations and logistics facilities. The third group refers to resource endowment in which the availability of land, accessibility of transportation, labor and market coverage are evaluated.

Although as an alternative to the model established by the authors, due to factors such as the limited availability of land, several companies opt for reorganization by converting old structural sites into new ones with high technology, thus meeting the demand caused by technological advances. Another important point is local policies, because if they go in the same direction, they can effectively compensate for the correct development of logistics activities.

Consequently, due to economic changes caused by different factors such as technology and innovation, companies seek to reorganize their value chains in order to continue their activities in a different way to meet demand; however, it is important to evaluate the long-

term, taking into account both internal and external factors and possible externalities that may cause the reorganization of the value chain to fail.

Россия и ВТО: присоединение и его последствия

Кафедра мировой экономики экономического факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, которая является единственным в России и на постсоветском пространстве институциональным партнером Всемирной торговой организации и реализует проект "Кафедра ВТО", при поддержке Министерства иностранных дел Великобритании представляет Вашему вниманию информационный портал "Россия и ВТО: оптимизация последствий присоединения". Он призван обеспечить надлежащую подготовку правительства, таможенной службы и бизнес-сообщества в Северо-Западном и других регионах России к операционным изменениям и изменениям в регулировании, которых требует присоединение России к ВТО.